I. INTRODUCTION Madison County Health and Hospital District/Madison County Hospital Health Systems, Inc. dba Madison County Memorial Hospital is requesting written responses from qualified construction management firms to provide Professional Services for the renovation and remodeling of a building located on the hospital campus at 224 NW Crane Avenue, Madison, Florida to be renovated as the new Madison Health & Wellness Center.
II. It is the Owner’s intention to employ the Firm to provide overall Construction Management services of the
renovation and remodeling efforts.
III. QUALIFICATION INSTRUCTIONS AND GENERAL INFORMATION Qualification Submissions: Submit five (3) copies of a written response no later than 4:00 PM December 30, 2024.
Attn: Kevin Angel
Madison County Memorial Hospital
224 NW Crane Avenue
Madison, FL 32340
Onsite tour available December 4th, 2024 between 10:00am-3:00pm or December 5th, 2024 between 11:00am-4:00pm!
Responses must be responsive to the requirements and questions of the Request for Qualifications.
Reservations: Madison County Health and Hospital District/Madison County Hospital Health Systems, Inc. dba Madison County Memorial Hospital reserves the right to reject any and all responses, to negotiate changes in the new scope of work or services to be provided, and to otherwise waive any technicalities or informalities.
Method of Selection: Responses will be reviewed by Madison County Health and Hospital District/Madison County Hospital Health Systems, Inc. dba Madison County Memorial Hospital which will recommend a ranking of firms. Presentations may or may not be required. Upon acceptance of the recommendation negotiations will proceed with the first ranked firm.
Please respond by including but not limiting your response to the following:
- Company name and length of time in business.
- Company location.
- Availability of staff to start and complete project.
- Insurance carrier, applicable coverage, and bonding limits.
- Qualifications of staff to be utilized on this project with names, short resumes, length of time with firm and previous clients. Experience must be with submitting firm.
- Names of five (5) previous jobs within the past five (5) years of similar scope, size, and complexity with phone numbers and contact person.
- Description of previous experience, to include construction method, budget, final cost, time schedule, change orders, etc.
To request additional information in writing. No visits without an appointment please. Refer all written request to and/or go to for additional information.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can we use our architectural resources for the project? No, we do already have an architect under contract and therefore this contract is specifically for General Contractor Services. It is expected that the GC will work with the owner and the architect of record.
Who is the architect? Clemons Rutherford & Associates, Inc. (CRA) is the architect on record.
Do we have to remodel the existing buildings or is there an opportunity to demo the buildings and build a new one? We are taking applications to help establish the best plan for delivering solutions for parking and a facility for delivering medical/wellness services. We invite applicants to put forth their best recommendations to accomplish this goal. Your lump sum to work with is stated in the RFP therefore we want to know the fee for pre-construction services separate from the construction fees.
More than likely the budget is not sufficient to cover renovation of that many square feet. What is the contingency plan? As previously stated, we are open to suggestions, an applicant can recommend tearing down both buildings and develop a two-story building next to a parking garage, a parking lot on the bottom and single-story building on top, parking and a building shell noting how many square feet would end up finished versus what would be left as vanilla boxes. It is up to your team to come up with potential solutions. The end goal is parking and up to 20,000+ square feet of medical facilities.
Are there additional dollars available or is that the maximum amount? Your application needs to address the project with the amount specified in the RFP. We are looking for additional funding and if acquired it would be a separate project and not included in this scope of work. USDA needs assurance of the constructed solution ready for certificate of occupancy.
Is there an electronic method of submitting an application? Yes, we are willing to accept electronic copies of the application emailed to Kevin Angel at
Are there any pictures and or videos to allow us to see the current state of the building after storm damage? Yes please go to please click on the button that says MHWC Damage to review a video.
Can we chat with someone about the project or ask questions? Yes, you can text and call Lori Evans at 904-476-1138. You are allowed to ask questions until December 23, 2024.
Is there a minimum or maximum amount of square footage for the project? As stated previously please submit a solution to reveal how many square feet you feel your organization can deliver. We understand “future use” will play a critical role in the final design and construction. The key is to deliver a solution that would allow us to grow. Ultimately we would like to have around 70 parking spaces and between 14,000 and 24,000 square feet of usable space.
What year was the building built, and do you know if there is asbestos? The buildings were built in 1954. Yes asbestos has been confirmed and will need to be considered.
What is the condition of the roof and thoughts for solutions?
If the building does not end up being renovated and instead becomes a new build you would design the roof that best aligns with the rest of the building design.
If the building remains as standing and gets renovated as is, a new roof system is desired over the existing roof and over the entire structure including the open center atrium.
Discussions thus far have been to mimic the roof lines of the hospital with the center remaining open for future development-see picture.
A picture is attached if you could add it to the text.
- Is there an opportunity to schedule another onsite building tour? Yes, the last opportunity to see the building in person is this Friday December 20, 2024 between the hours of 9AM-12PM
- Do you have an asbestos assessment report we can view? Yes, please click on the button above to access the report.