I. INTRODUCTION Madison County Health and Hospital District/Madison County Hospital Health Systems, Inc. dba Madison County Memorial Hospital is requesting written responses from qualified construction management firms to provide Design and Build services on the hospital campus at 224 NW Crane Avenue, Madison, Florida. A 14,000 block building as originally scheduled to be renovated as the new Madison Health & Wellness Center with additional parking spaces for client and staff parking. After several rounds of storms the project may be restructured as a demolition and design build project instead.
II. It is the Owner’s intention to employ the Firm to provide overall Design and Construction Management services for the project and are seeking applications with proposed solutions.
III. QUALIFICATION INSTRUCTIONS AND GENERAL INFORMATION Qualification Submissions and Project Recommendations: Submit five (3) copies of a written response no later than 4:00 PM January 31, 2025
Attn: Kevin Angel
Madison County Memorial Hospital
224 NW Crane Avenue
Madison, FL 32340
Responses must be responsive to the requirements and questions of the Request for Qualifications.
Reservations: Madison County Health and Hospital District/Madison County Hospital Health Systems, Inc. dba Madison County Memorial Hospital reserves the right to reject any and all responses, to negotiate changes in the new scope of work or services to be provided, and to otherwise waive any technicalities or informalities.
Method of Selection: Responses will be reviewed by Madison County Health and Hospital District/Madison County Hospital Health Systems, Inc. dba Madison County Memorial Hospital which will recommend a ranking of firms. Presentations may or may not be required. Upon acceptance of the recommendation negotiations will proceed with the first ranked firm.
Please respond by including but not limiting your response to the following:
- Company name and length of time in business.
- Company location.
- Availability of staff to start and complete project.
- Insurance carrier, applicable coverage, and bonding limits.
- Qualifications of staff to be utilized on this project with names, short resumes, length of time with firm and previous clients. Experience must be with submitting firm.
- Names of five (5) previous jobs within the past five (5) years of similar scope, size, and complexity with phone numbers and contact person.
- Description of previous experience, to include construction method, budget, final cost, time schedule, change orders, etc.
- Recommendations for scope of work maximum of two pages
To request additional information in writing. No visits without an appointment please. Refer all written request to and/or go to for additional information.